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Understanding Support Services for Children with Autism in Minnesota

Updated: 11 hours ago

The world of support services for children with autism can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down step by step can make it much easier to approach. As a parent who has gone through this process with my son, William, I want to share some insights on the key programs available in Minnesota—such as TEFRA, PCA services, the MnCHOICES assessment, and the newly introduced CSFF (Children’s Supports for Families Funding). One important lesson I’ve learned is to get on the waitlist for services while you explore your options, as county wait times can be several months.

Here’s a breakdown of the most relevant programs to help you get started:

TEFRA: A Path to Medical Assistance

What is TEFRA? 

TEFRA (Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act) allows children with disabilities to qualify for Medical Assistance (MA) regardless of their parents' income. This program is critical for families whose income might be too high to qualify for MA but whose child’s medical needs are significant.

Key Benefits of TEFRA:

  • Access to Medical Assistance: Comprehensive coverage for therapies, medical equipment, and doctor visits.

  • Financial Relief: Eases the burden of medical expenses that might otherwise be difficult to afford.

Steps to Access TEFRA:

  1. Initial Assessment & Application:

    • Contact Your County: Begin the process through your local county or tribal human services office.

    • Submit Application: Complete the MA application under the TEFRA option, including medical records and other necessary documentation.

  2. Disability Certification:

    • The county or state medical team will review your child’s documentation to determine if they qualify.

  3. Notification:

    • You will receive notice of eligibility and next steps.

  4. Service Coordination:

    • Once approved, you’ll enroll your child in a health plan and select a primary care provider (PCP).

  5. Annual Renewal:

    • Each year, you’ll need to update your medical and financial information to maintain eligibility.

MnCHOICES Assessment

What is MnCHOICES?  

The MnCHOICES assessment evaluates your child’s needs to determine eligibility for a variety of services, including PCA, waivers, and other supports.

Key Benefits:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Looks at your child’s holistic needs.

  • Multiple Services: Connects families with a wide range of support options, all through one assessment.

Steps to Access MnCHOICES:

  1. Request an Assessment:

    • Contact your local county or tribal human services office.

  2. Complete the Assessment:

    • The assessment will be conducted in person to create a personalized support plan.

CFSS: Community First Services and Supports

What is CSFF?

As of October 1, 2024, Minnesota is shifting from PCA services to Community First Services and Supports (CFSS), offering families more flexibility and options. CFSS offers two primary models:

Key Benefits of CFSS:

  • Family Caregivers: Under CFSS, spouses and parents of minors can now be paid as support workers, providing more flexibility and compensation options.

  • Consultation Services: CFSS offers consultation providers to help families navigate the program and create service delivery plans tailored to their needs.

Steps for Accessing CFSS:

  1. Confirm Eligibility:

    • Your child must be enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA) to be eligible for CFSS. If you’re already receiving services under the PCA program, your family will transition to CFSS during your next reassessment.

  2. Choose a Service Delivery Model:

    • Budget Model: You, as the parent, can hire, train, and supervise support workers and manage your child’s care budget. You can also purchase goods and services to help your child’s independence.

    • Agency Model: Similar to the current PCA system, an agency will handle staffing and manage your child’s care plan.

  3. Request a MnCHOICES Assessment:  

    • Contact Your Local County:  Reach out to your county or tribal human services office to request a MnCHOICES assessment, which is required to determine the level of support your child will need under CFSS.

  4. Complete the Assessment:  

    • A certified assessor will visit your home to evaluate your child’s needs, abilities, and daily challenges. Based on the assessment, they will develop a personalized support plan.

  5. Develop a Service Plan: 

    • With the help of a consultation services provider, you'll create a customized service delivery plan based on the chosen CFSS model (budget or agency). The consultation provider will guide you through understanding your options and selecting the right services for your child.

  6. Select and Hire Support Workers:

    • If you choose the budget model, you will be responsible for hiring, training, and supervising your child’s support workers. If you choose the agency model, the provider agency will manage these tasks for you.

While accessing services for children with autism can be complex, knowing your options can make the journey smoother. TEFRA, PCA services, MnCHOICES, and now CSFF provide multiple avenues to support your child’s unique needs. The key is to start early, get on waitlists where necessary, and stay informed.

For more detailed information, contact your local county office or visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services website.


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